Entelechy energy 2019 Year-end meeting in Doug Hotel Guang Zhou

Entelechy energy 2019 Year-end meeting   On Jan. 15th, 2020, the 10th annual meeting of entelechy in 2019 was successfully held…

5 years ago

Entelechy energy 2019 Winter Games

On Dec. 3rd, 2019, the 2019 Entelechy Winter Games was held as scheduled in Guangzhou Dongzhou Ecological Park. More than 100…

5 years ago

1500 entelechy energy all in one solar street lights sent to Zambia

On Nov. 14th, 2019, 1,500 sets of integrated Entelechy solar street lights are ready to be sent to Nigeria. This…

5 years ago

On the roadside of Gurao Town, 248 solar street lights of entelechy brand will be installed!

On July 25th, 2018, the Guangdong Lions Clubs, a charitable organization, wanted to donate 248 sets separated solar street lights to people in Gurao, Shantou, Guangdong Province because people there had long suffered from thefts due to no lights in the evening.   They carried out investigations on multiple companies and manufacturers, and finally chose Entelechy as their supplier regarding its better quality and professional technology. The Entelechy solar street lights use LiFePO4 battery, which has 5 years longer lifespan than GEL battery. Besides, the street lights are of anti theft design so that the lights will not be stolen.   When seeing our engineers installing the solar street lights, The people in this village were very happy. Since then, all roads are equipped with solar street lights of high brightness, people there are no longer bothered by thefts.…

6 years ago

ENTELECHY ENERGY 2KW home off-grid solar power system

Spare ribs kevin pork tc: exc loin magna, adipisicing culpa consectetur meatball dolore doner ham tri-tip sunt kielbasa est. Culpa…

8 years ago

Prospects of solar photovoltaic power generation technology

Rump cow picanha, short loin venison pork belly sirloin drumstick. Drumstick boudin landjaeger sausage turducken filet mignon rump, flank swine…

12 years ago

How much is solar power for household use? How much power can be driven for how long?

Doner tail strip steak venison beef ribs meatloaf leberkas ground round swine filet mignon alcatra short loin pork chop. Short…

12 years ago

A complete set of simple solar power generation system installation process demonstration

Picanha ball tip spare ribs kielbasa chuck t-bone ground round

12 years ago

2000 entelechy brand solar street lamps light up the travel road in Binyang Village

Binyang County’s goal of “illuminating every village” is one step closer. The 2000 sets of Entelechy brand street lights purchased by the government procurement department of Binyang County were finally lit up in 10 villages this evening.   It took our team of engineers a full 15 days to complete the installation of these lights. The procurement department of Binyang County Government has been cooperating with our company for many years. They initially looked for a number of suppliers.   After a strict over-bidding process, our products stand out relying on excellent quality, especially the impression of the lithium iron phosphate battery we use,…

15 years ago